
Comic Con Revolution welcomes credentialed members of the press with complimentary admission to our event. If approved, your press pass will grant you access to the show floor and panel rooms during regular show hours. We are unable to offer a guest or companion pass with press passes. Press passes do not allow you to bypass lines. If taking photos please be polite, courteous and respectful of our attendees, exhibitors and our anti-harassment policies. Failure to do so may result in revocation of your Press Access Pass.

When applying for a press pass you must fall into one of the following categories:

  • Broadcast (TV or Radio)
  • Print (Newspaper daily, weekly or monthly, Magazine monthly, weekly, quarterly, semiannual and annual)
  • Online/Digital (Newspapers/Magazines/Channels/Internet News & Coverage Sites)
  • Podcast
  • Blogger
  • Photographers must submit 4 links of photos published on sites that meet our minimum outlet criteria:
    • Facebook - 1,000 Followers/Friends/Likes
    • Twitter - 1,000 Followers
    • Instagram - 1,000 Followers
    • Youtube - 1,000 Subscribers
  • Social Media Accounts on their own do not qualify you for a press pass unless your accounts meet the criteria outlined here.

Outlets must be operating for a minimum of 12 months and you must submit 2 published stories relating to pop culture. NOTE: If you are a freelancer you must submit 2 published stories written within the last 12 months (they can be posted to different sites that relate to pop culture)

If you are submitting more then one application for an outlet they must be submitted individually on the same day. We allow a maximum of 4 individuals (writer or photographer) per outlet based upon your needs. Atomic Crush Events and Comic Con Revolution reserve the right to approve or deny press passes to any outlet.

Applications for a Press Access Pass are now open. Click here to apply.


Comic Con Revolution welcomes credentialed comic industry professionals, and those in the related industries of film, television, animation, gaming, etc with complimentary admission to our event. Complimentary passes will be available until February 14th, 2018. After that and on site professional passes will be $10 per pass. We are unable to offer a guest or companion pass with professional passes. We are excited to be a part of the professional community and look forward to having you join us.

Please keep in mind that in order to qualify for a Professional Access Pass you must have completed a minimum of 2 published works in the last 24 months. These works must be listed on your application to qualify.

Applications for a Professional Access Pass are now open. Click here to apply.